Hello, September!

It’s 7 o’clock (on the dot, I’m in my drop-top cruising the streetsss) and I just cleaned my apartment, had a great day at the store and am about to cook dinner. Small wins that make me feel like I have my shit totally together - I’ll take it!

For years now I’ve been asking everyone what kind of content they want to see on this site. The answers typically boil down to two things - more updates about my life and more insights around my personal style. Happy to report you will be getting a weekly update from me! Every Wednesday I will deliver a post on what’s happening in my life, what I’m doing and how I’m feeling. You can subscribe to my newsletter for updates or meet me here each week. Now let’s jump right in, shall we?

As many of you know I am an entrepreneur and founder. It seems glamorous from the outside but it requires so much of you mentally and spiritually. Imagine having to build the tallest building ever seen but only you know what it looks like. You have to keep your vision at the forefront as you go to work learning how to do all of the practical things that make a dream tangible. That’s the headspace I’ve lived in for the past year or so. I knew what it felt like - “it” being that ultimate balance of creativity, cash flow, and global impact - but I didn’t exactly know what the next step was. Until now.

Enter, September. I am not exaggerating September 1st shed light on me in ways I have never felt before. Do you know what it’s like to wake up hopeful, inspired, with a clear idea of what you want and precisely how to get it? That was me at 6am Sunday morning. I don’t even need to make sense of it because I already know that the feeling is a result of seeds planted finally beginning to bud. I feel amazing! I owe it to myself to bask in this moment. I owe it to you all to share this moment and let you know how much work, prayer, frustration, and bullshit I’ve had to sort through to get here.

September is here and I am equally ready to enjoy all of its blessings as I am to work feverishly in its glow. How are you feeling about September? Share your thoughts in the comments below, I want to hear them all!


Miss Suber